Re: WARN: DefaultResultIterator: Error Bad Integer Dude?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Dec 10 2003 - 16:07:10 EST

  • Next message: Mike Block: "Re: WARN: DefaultResultIterator: Error Bad Integer Dude?"


    the line below still makes me believe that you are using binary values
    somewhere ("< 70 2F 6E 20 31 20 2D 2D 20 6D 6F 64 65 6C 20 31 >" is a sign
    that a byte[] is used in the object). Probably a Java class was not


       [java] cayenne INFO [main 12-10 15:07:25] QueryLogger: INSERT
    INTO public.product (dimension, id, image, list_price_abs, lis
    t_price_ppd, measeurement_id, model_number, modified_date, part_number,
    short_description, weight) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
      ?, ?, ?)
          [java] cayenne INFO [main 12-10 15:07:25] QueryLogger: [bind:
    NULL, 540, NULL, 29.949999999999999289457264239899814128875732
    421875, 39.9500000000000028421709430404007434844970703125, 1, 'model
    1', NULL, 'p/n 1', < 70 2F 6E 20 31 20 2D 2D 20 6D 6F 64 65 6
    C 20 31 >, NULL]

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