Re: Select by PK

From: Jim Menard (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 07:17:06 EST

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael: "RE: Select by PK"


    > Hi everybody,
    > how can we select an object by its pk value?

    Based on advice and code snippets from others on the list, here is what
    I have to select an object by its PK value. I've also included the
    reverse method that obtains the PK value from an object.

      * Given a class and a primary key value, returns the proper object
      * or <code>null</code> if none exists.
      * <p>
      * The object's primary key column must be named "id" (if not, change
      * this method to accept the column name, too).
      *..aram klass the Java class of the model object
      *..aram pk the primary key value
      *..aram context a database context
      *..eturn the object
    public static Object objectFromPrimaryKey(Class klass, int pk,
                                               DataContext context)
         ObjectId oid = new ObjectId(klass, "id", pk);
         SelectQuery query = QueryUtils.selectObjectForId(oid);
         List list = context.performQuery(query);
         if (list.size() == 1)
             return list.get(0);
             return null;

         // Or this, but if there was no such object in the database then it
         // fail.
    // ObjectId oid = new ObjectId(klass, "id", pk);
    // return context.registeredObject(oid);
      * Utility methods for dealing directly with primary keys, which should
      * be a rare occurrence.
      *..uthor Jim Menard, <a href=""></a>
    public class PrimaryKey {

      * We need to return the primary key of a few data objects as numbers.
      * Here's how to get them.
    public static Number primaryKeyOf(DataObject dataObj) {
         String pkStr = null;
         Map pkAttributes = dataObj.getObjectId().getIdSnapshot();
         // FIX what to do? This should not happen.
    // if (pkAttributes.size() != 1)
    // throw new Exception("multi-field primary key found");
         Iterator iter = pkAttributes.keySet().iterator();
         String pkName = (String);
         return (Number)pkAttributes.get(pkName);


    Jim Menard,,
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a
    rigged demo." -- Unknown

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