why I can't remove the table records this way?

From: Bill Fan (bil..anscom.com.au)
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 06:32:27 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Why "SELECT DISTINCT ..." is generated?"

    I'm using the latest Cayenne 1.0.7
    I have the following function which works fine with the original developed
    intranet system(works on 1.0a5). It is used to manage the relationship
    between the Project, User & Role. The inter-reference table is ProjectUsers.
    The table structure are as following:
        ProjectId int PK
        ProjectName varchar
        UserId int PK
        Firstname varchar
        RoleId int PK
        ProjectId int PK, FK
        UserId int PK, FK
        RoleId int PK, FK
    With the following block of code, I was trying to delete any existing
    records in the ProjectUsers table for a user first before I could add the
    new records in. But it seemed there was no action triggered. I couldn't see
    any delete sql statement generated from the log file, and the later insert
    statement failed as it was trying to add duplicate PK in the table.
    // projectusersArray has the Projectusers objects to be removed....
     Iterator iter = (new ArrayList(projectusersArray)).iterator();
     while (iter.hasNext())
     Projectusers obj = (Projectusers)iter.next();
     log.debug("=========> obj.getToUsers().getFirstname()=" +
     log.debug("=========> obj.getToUsers().getLastname()=" +
     log.debug("=========> obj.getToUsers().getLogin()=" +
     users.removeFromProjectusersArray( obj );
     // delet it !!
    I'm taking the exact data model and the functions from the existing working
    system to try to implement a new one, but it did not work as expected.
    Appreciate any help!

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