it works!!

From: Michele Cuozzo (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 10:30:20 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Upgrade problem"

    thanks for your suggestion, noew it works: I increased the memory size and the batch process seems works.
    I've another question: I'm using a Postgresql adapter and the 1.1M4 cayenne framework, when I set a String property to an cayene Object and the String contains some special character ( such as è,à,ù or similar ) in the modeler generated db the Strings has a '?' character instead of the original special character.
    Have you got some suggestions?

    thanks in advance


    Michele Cuozzo
    Advanced Computer Systems S.p.A.
    Multimedia Division
    Via della Bufalotta, 378
    00139 Rome (Italy)
    Tel. +39 06 87090517

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