"Enumerated" DataObjects

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 12:07:39 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: it works!!"

    On Apr 7, 2004, at 4:59 AM, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

    > P.S. Is there some semi-standard way to handle enum tables? I've
    > decided I could create a superclass that has a populate() method and
    > call that when I rebuild tables and such during development. Better
    > ideas?

    Well, to me the main inefficiency to be solved with "enumerated" or
    "lookup" tables is not in finding a specific object, but rather the
    fact that these read-only objects that are almost never modified in the
    DB have to be fetched over and over again. The way I usually handle
    this is by implementing a class-level cache, using internal DataContext
    not used anywhere else in the app. When there is a need to use an
    object from this cache, I apply DataContext.localObjects to transfer an
    object to a target local DataContext.

    E.g. if there is a persistent class called USState, USState.java might
    look like that:

    public class USState extends _USState {
        private static Map states;

        static {
           // fetch all on first access.... if you don't like static
           // code, or would like to supply your own DataContext,
           // this can be done somewhere else

           SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(USState.class);
           List allStates = DataContext.createContext().performQuery(query);

           // now index states by "name" or something
           states = new HashMap();

        public static USState getState(String name, DataContext context) {
             Object state = states.get(name);
             List local =
             return (USState) local.get(0);

    In 1.1 we may make this more transparent. Stay tuned.


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