relationship between inherited entities

From: sabiha (
Date: Thu Apr 15 2004 - 09:06:59 EDT

  • Next message: Leonardo Queiroz Antunes: "DataContext x EJB"



    I’m exploring inheritance in Cayenne and have simple model with ObjEntities: “Employee”, “Manager” and “Developer”. (Manager and Developer are inherited from Employee).

    To implement inheritance I created only DbEntity “Employee” (not corresponding DbEntities for inherited ObjEntities) that contains all attributes of those classes (ObjEntities). And I have done all needed configuration described in Modeler guide: for ObjEntity “Employee” I set “Table/View” to be corresponding DbEntity – “Employee” and for inherited entities I set “Inheritance” to be “Employee” ObjEntity. And for inherited entities I set corresponding qualifiers: “manager” and “developer”.


    Did I miss something here or did something wrong?


    What my question is: if I want to have relationship (to-many) between “Manager” and “Developer”, how to implement it?


    Thanks in advance!




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