Recovering PK from a new Object

From: Jorge Sopena (
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 12:44:55 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Recovering PK from a new Object"


    I've got a problem when I recover the PK of an object in two different ways.
    I've got the following method getId() for this object:

     public Long getId() {
        return (getObjectId() != null && !getObjectId().isTemporary())
                                     : null;

    The PK for this table is a BIGINT(20), in my MYSQL database.

    My problem arises when I call this method in this sequence:

    Command cmd = new Command(....);
    db.commit(); //A new row is created in database.

    Then I want to recover the PK calling:
    but a CastClassException happens, because it's yielded a Integer instead
    of a Long.

    The solution would be to change the object type to Integer, but...
    If I get the object by a select, for example:
        Command cmd = Command.getByNumSeq(...); //That is a select query.
    I can get the PK by cmd.getId() without any problem and a Long value is

    Is it created the PK as an Integer always?
    Is there anyway to avoid it? or should I create all the PK as INTEGER
    instead of BIGINT?
    Any hint to my problem?

    Thanks, in advance

    Jorge Sopena

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