Re: conflict with automatic session serialization by tomcat?

From: Twan Kogels (
Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 14:53:46 EDT

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    I did find a very dirty solution: Tomcat 4.x doesn't seem to have
    functionality to disable restart persistence. But when using:

    <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager"

    in server.xml with a empty pathname the restart persistence is disabled.
    Not really disabled though, because when tomcat shutdown it will produce a
    lot of filenotfound exceptions. This is because a empty pathname is no
    valid filename. But the advantage is that sessions.ser isn't written
    anymore, so restart persistence is disabled. A bit crude, but it seems to work.

    A better solution is still welcome ;-)


    At 19:44 06-7-2004, you wrote:
    >I'm currently in the process of getting
    >cayenne/struts/velocity/velocitytools to work in jbuilder9. That's a lot
    >of work but i almost got it right.
    >There is one thing i can't figure out:
    >Tomcat 4.x is saving (serialize) objects which are in session when tomcats
    >shutsdown. The session data is saved into a file named "SESSIONS.ser".
    >This file is loaded and session data is recovered when tomcats starts again.
    >There seems to be a conflict with cayenne here. I'm using a
    >WebApplicationListener to get the datacontext up and running like
    >described here:
    >This works fine, but when i shutdown tomcat and restart tomcat a exception
    >StandardManager[/proj]: Exception loading sessions from persistent storage
    > at Method)
    > at
    > at$100(
    > at$
    > at Method)
    >This means that the session data saved to disk can't be loaded. After this
    >exception occurs very strange things happen, for example cayenne can't
    >find the cayenne.xml.
    >My solution is to delete the "SESSIONS.ser" when tomcat shutsdown, but
    >thats a bit dirty.
    >Does anybody know a solution to this problem? or maybe a way to turn off
    >the automatic serialisation of session data by tomcat? (just for
    >development purposes ;-)
    >Twan Kogels

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