Congratulations on the Cayenne 1.1 release!

From: Ashley Aitken (
Date: Tue Jul 13 2004 - 12:00:19 EDT

  • Next message: Ashley Aitken: "Re: Congratulations on the Cayenne 1.1 release!"

    Hi Andrus (and other Cayenne users and developers),

    Congratulations on the Cayenne 1.1 release!

    I haven't downloaded or used Cayenne as yet, I am still just reading
    and investigating (whilst still using WebObjects). A few questions if
    I may:

    1. Regarding the new "Level 3 - Cross-VM Cache Sharing" Is that like
    the change notification frameworks that are available for
    EOF/WebObjects but implemented at a lower level?

    As EOF/WebObjects incorporates anything like this itself it seems to me
    that third-party solutions for EOF/WebObjects have to be at a higher
    level (but I am only guessing).

    Is this implemented using the "Generic Multithreaded and Distributed
    Events Mechanism"? Or is that a separate thing?

    2. How does Cayenne handle updating to-many relationships (as you may
    know "refreshing" an object in EOF/WebObjects doesn't refresh any of
    it's to-may relationships)? Is this an easy or difficult, expensive or
    cheap thing to do in Cayenne?

    3. Does Cayenne modeller do the right thing regarding maintenance of
    single table inheritance, i.e. if you modify the super-entity all the
    sub-entities definitions are updated (in the Cayenne modeller this is,
    not in the code or the running application)?

    4. It seems that with Data Views and DVModeler (not that I have looked
    closely) you now have a good two-tier (client-server) Java solution as
    well. Is that true? Has Cayenne been used in many two-tier solutions?

    Have you thought of building a three-tier (Web) solution? Or does
    Cayenne just work so well with Tapestry (and perhaps other Web
    frameworks that it is not necessary)?

    Finally, it seems to me that you are taking Cayenne to some places that
    EOF hasn't gone (for one reason or another). This is great to see and
    makes Cayenne more and more interesting every release.


    Ashley Aitken
    Perth, Western Australia
    mrhatken at mac dot com

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