Re: SQLTemplate with addPrefetch?

From: Twan Kogels (
Date: Thu Aug 26 2004 - 03:03:00 EDT

  • Next message: Twan Kogels: "Re: SQLTemplate with addPrefetch?"


    Thanks! That's a good way to start a new day ;-) I'll get the nightly in a


    At 15:41 25-8-2004, you wrote:
    >This is a bug in PrefetchHelper. As the fix was trivial (changing
    >"readPropertyDirectly" to "readProperty"), I applied it, and there is no
    >need to open a bug report. Fix should be included in tomorrow's nightly build.
    >On Aug 25, 2004, at 5:42 AM, Twan Kogels wrote:
    >>Hello all,
    >>I did some more research and discovered the following:
    >>(in resolveToOneRelations() )
    >> List oids = new ArrayList(nobjects);
    >> for (int i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
    >> DataObject sourceObject = (DataObject) objects.get(i);
    >> DataObject targetObject =
    >> (DataObject) sourceObject.readPropertyDirectly(relName);
    >> ObjectId oid = targetObject.getObjectId();
    >> oids.add(oid);
    >> }
    >>The "(DataObject) sourceObject.readPropertyDirectly(relName);" causes the
    >>ClassCastException because the Object the readPropertyDirectly returns is
    >>of type:
    >>class org.objectstyle.cayenne.Fault$ToOneFault -
    >>Because Fault isn't a subclass (or implements interface) of DataObject
    >>the casting generates a "ClassCastException".
    >>I'm currently using "cayenne-1.1B2".

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