PrefetchHelper bug

From: Twan Kogels (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 03:53:52 EDT

  • Next message: Arndt Brenschede: "Re: PrefetchHelper bug"


    I think i have found a bug in, i discovered it when
    testing my application which uses resolveToOneRelations() defined in

    In "" there is a function called
    resolveToOneRelations(). Here's a the interesting code:
    List oids = new ArrayList(nobjects);

             for (int i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
                 DataObject sourceObject = (DataObject) objects.get(i);
                 DataObject targetObject = (DataObject)

                 if (targetObject.getPersistenceState() ==
    PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {
                     ObjectId oid = targetObject.getObjectId();
             // this maybe suboptimal, cause it uses an OR .. OR .. OR ..
             // instead of IN (..) - to be compatble with compound keys -
             // however, it seems to be quite fast as well
             SelectQuery sel = QueryUtils.selectQueryForIds(oids);

    It is possible that "List oids" will be a empty list when it reaches the line:
    SelectQuery sel = QueryUtils.selectQueryForIds(oids);
    because when a object has already been retrieved once the following line
    will return false and no object is added to oids list.
    if (targetObject.getPersistenceState() == PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {

    "QueryUtils.selectQueryForIds(oids);" will raise a IllegalArgumentException
    when the oids list is empty.
    IllegalArgumentException("List must contain at least one ObjectId")

    I now just catch this "IllegalArgumentException" in my code and ignore it.
    But a check in PrefetchHelper would be nice, something like:
      SelectQuery sel = QueryUtils.selectQueryForIds(oids);

    Twan Kogels

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