Re: Using SetDistinct()

From: William Wong (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 12:16:25 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Using SetDistinct()"

    Hi Mike/Andrus,

    I'm working with Brian on this project and we've been able to try some of your suggestions. We dropped all of the other attributes from the objEntity and only have the TABLE_NAME attribute in the object.

    XML Mapping:
    <obj-entity name="EtlMapNme_DIS" className="errors.cayenne.EtlMapNme_DIS" dbEntityName="ETL_MAP_NME">
    <obj-attribute name="tableName" type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-path="TABLE_NAME"/>

    Corresponding class:
    public class _EtlMapNme_DIS extends org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject {

        public static final String TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY = "tableName";

        public static final String ETL_MAP_NME_KEY_PK_COLUMN = "ETL_MAP_NME_KEY";

        public void setTableName(String tableName) {
            writeProperty("tableName", tableName);
        public String getTableName() {
            return (String)readProperty("tableName");

    We use this SQL template:

    and run the following java code:

    SQLTemplate query = new SQLTemplate(EtlMapNme_DIS.class, distinctSql, true);
    List resultList = context.performQuery(query);

    For some reason, all of the objects in the resultList have the same value when calling getTableName(). getTableName() returns "Vendor" which corresonds to the TABLE_NAME column of the the last record in the IHA.ETL_MAP_NME table.

    But when we run the query with query.setFetchingDataRows(true), the resultList contains the results that we want. This leads me to believe that perhaps there is some sort of problem mapping the database results to the object.

    Any ideas? Thanks!


    >>> Mike Kienenberger <> 11/12/04 05:15PM >>>
    Brian Plotner <> wrote:
    > Do you have an alternative to the SetDistinct method to achieve a distinct

    It should work if you drop the ETL_MAP_NME_KEY column from the results

    I don't know enough about how you're creating the query to say the best
    method for that.

    You might look at using an SQLTemplate. A lot of cayenne users are using
    them, but I haven't needed to do so yet.

    Another possibility is to remove the object attribute mapping to
    ETL_MAP_NME_KEY from your ObjEntity (if that's how you're currently fetching


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