Re: Problems with DataContextDelegate

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 12:29:22 EST

  • Next message: Borut Bolčin: "Indices"

    Claudio Rosati <> wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I've two different classes with the following code:
    > private static DataContext dataContext;
    > private static DataContextDelegate dataContextDelegate;
    > static
    > {
    > dataContext = DataContext.createDataContext();
    > dataContextDelegate = new DataContextDelegate() {
    > public void finishedMergeChanges ( DataObject object ) {
    > System.out.println("Class 1(or
    > 2):finishedMergeChanges");
    > dataContext.refetchObject(object.getObjectId());
    > // ...GUI synch code here...
    > }
    > public void finishedProcessDelete ( DataObject object ) {
    > ; // Nothing to do.
    > }
    > public boolean shouldMergeChanges ( DataObject object,
    > DataRow snapshotInStore ) {
    > return true;
    > }
    > public boolean shouldProcessDelete ( DataObject object ) {
    > return true;
    > }
    > public GenericSelectQuery willPerformSelect ( DataContext
    > context, GenericSelectQuery query ) {
    > return query;
    > }
    > };
    > dataContext.setDelegate(dataContextDelegate);
    > }
    > Inside these two classes I load the same DataObject from my DB (a
    > SQL Server).
    > When I modyfy the loaded object and commit the changes from one
    > I expect a message from the delegate of the other, but this doesn't occurs
    > (and my GUI remains not synchronized...).
    > Where is the problem?

    [Note: I am no expert on the following, but here's my best guesses.]

    First off, it looks as though you want to have any changes made in other
    contexts automatically show up in your current context. That's the default
    behavior of Cayenne 1.1. Calling
    "dataContext.refetchObject(object.getObjectId());" should be unnecessary.

    It might be a bug that DataContextDelegate doesn't generate
    finishedMergeChanges when such changes are merged in from other
    DataContexts. I do see finishedMergeChanges() calls for
    processUpdatedSnapshots (which should happen when snapshot update events are
    received from other DataContexts) for COMMITTED, MODIFIED, and DELETED

    If it's the case of a bug....

    A dataContextDelegate is set per DataContext.

    Thus, DataContextA will not trigger the delegated methods for
    DataContextDelegateB, nor vice-versa.

    You'd need to capture all of those events and resend them to every other
    data context delegate.

    Another possibility is to listen for SnapshotEvent messages, which will
    appear no matter what data context the event is generated in.
    Unfortunately, I'm not sure if this will tell you AFTER the event; more
    likely it'll tell you before or during the event. Also, I can't remember
    exactly what event subject you need to listen for.


    If I were doing this today, I'd probably have each DataContextDelegate
    register to listen for a "customFinishedMergeChanges" event, then I'd send
    out "customFinishedMergeChanges" events to the EventManager each time the
    finishedMergeChanges() method was called.

    Again, my understanding of the whole process is imperfect.


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