Re: Newbie: connected user

From: Koka (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 18:15:24 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Newbie: connected user"

    > But that's exactly what I was warning against. DataNode that you are
    > modifying is shared by ALL sessions in the application.

    Ah, sorry, I should have thought better...
    Anyway, doubt there's any easy way if I stick to 'mostly default -
    rarely user connection' style. For definiteness let me assume most of
    my users are browsing artists/galleries so application uses shared
    datanode, and only rarely some advanced users need to add a painting
    and there's only database-level protection. Even if I manage to use
    not-shared datanode specifically for addPainting page I think I'll get
    'different DataContext' error because Artist object for addPainting
    page is set from the shared BrowseArtists page.

    Anyway, I think maybe I'm taking too much of your time folks, maybe we
    should drop the issue at for a week or so until I get more insight
    about how things work 'under the hood'.


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