RE: DataObject tha contain other DataObject

From: Pirola Davide (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2005 - 10:02:24 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "RE: DataObject tha contain other DataObject"

    But if i use a stored procedure with cursor in out parameter, this is possible?
    I have defined a db-entity that doesn't correspond to any db table.
    I use it only to map that cursor.

    If my cursor is defined in this way (and mapped to my "Channel" dataobject):
     TYPE ChannelDetailType IS RECORD(id number,NAME VARCHAR2(255), provider_id NUMBER);
    where "provider_id" must by remapped to another dataobject, how i can say to cayenne to use this number to retrive "provider" data?

    I must have a cursor with all the field that compose provider data object?
      TYPE ChannelDetailType IS RECORD(id number,NAME VARCHAR2(255), provider_id NUMBER, provider_name VARCHAR(255), provider_type VARCHAR(255)...);


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: venerd́ 21 gennaio 2005 15.43
    Subject: Re: DataObject tha contain other DataObject

    Cayenne has a concept of relationship that addresses exactly this case - a
    to-one or to-many "link" between DataObjects of different entities. This
    is supported via the Modeler (see relationship tab for ObjEntity).
    ObjRelationships map to DbRelationships of DbEntities, i.e. db PK/FK

    On most databases (except for MySQL) you get the releationships mapped
    automatically during reverse-engineering if the database constraints are
    defined properly in the schema.


    > Hi,
    > another question:
    > is possible to fill a bean (data object) made in this manner:
    > ----------------------------------------------------------
    > public class MyTypeImpl extends
    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject {
    > public String getMySimpleField()
    > {
    > return (String) readProperty("MySimpleField");
    > }
    > public void setMySimpleField(String mySimpleFieldValue) {
    > writeProperty("MySimpleField", mySimpleFieldValue);
    > }
    > public MyType2Impl getMyType2Field()
    > {
    > return (MyType2Impl) readProperty("MyType2Field");
    > }
    > public void setMyType2Impl(MyType2Impl myType2FieldValue) {
    > writeProperty("MyType2Field", myType2FieldValue);
    > }
    > }
    > ----------------------------------------------------------
    > where "MyTypeImpl" and "MyType2Impl" are CayenneDataObject.
    > How i map this to my datamap xml file?
    > Thank's
    > Davide

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