Re: Errors trying to insert values on Oracle LONG data type with Cayenne

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2005 - 09:18:22 EST

  • Next message: Pirola Davide: "Long type for input parameter"


    Cayenne should be able to handle that as long as JDBC does. What Oracle
    and driver version are you using with Cayenne? What error are you getting?


    > Hi all,
    > we are trying to integrate Cayenne in one of our java applications, but
    > we are having a problem trying to insert some objects/records into a
    > table with a LONG field.
    > I know LONG fields have been deprecated since long ago, but we are still
    > stuck with them as many or our applications are still developed using
    > WebObjects 4.5.1 (using Objective-C) and its Oracle Adaptor
    > links against a very old version of the OCI (around 7.3) that could
    > handle only LONG fields; no LOBs available thou.
    > Should Cayenne be able to handle LONG fields (and the problem is
    > caused by some mistake on our code), or is it able to handle only LOBs
    > fields?
    > The definition of the entity in the *.map.xml file looks like this:
    > <db-entity name="RAWNWSBDY">
    > <db-attribute name="BODY" type="LONGVARCHAR"/>
    > <db-attribute name="ID" type="INTEGER" isPrimaryKey="true"
    > isMandatory="true"/>
    > </db-entity>
    > <obj-entity name="RawNewsBody"
    > className="com.extrapola.scooter.dataModel.RawNewsBody"
    > dbEntityName="RAWNWSBDY">
    > <obj-attribute name="body" type="java.lang.String"
    > db-attribute-path="BODY"/>
    > </obj-entity>
    > Thanks for your attention.
    > Best regares,
    > Giulio Cesare Solaroli

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