do i need datacontext synchronization?

From: moraru dragos (
Date: Fri Jan 28 2005 - 04:39:27 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Problems with CommitChanges and object PersistenceState"

    Hi, i'm using org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationContextProvider
    to obtain the datacontext. For each struts module i have a DBXXX class
    specialized in querying the database. In the dbxxx class' constructor
    i have
     this.dataConetxt = DataContext.getThreadDataContext();

    If i open 2 browser windows and i'm listing a list of persons , and i
    'm deleting one person from the 1st window if i'm reloading the list
    the person i just deleted is still present!!! If i select it to modify
    the attributes with DataObjectUtilis.getObjectForPk(...). the
    datacontext will give the object i just removed with

    The objects are not stored in the tomcat session.

    Do i need some kind of context synchronization here?? i'm using in a
    wrong way the dataContext or the ContextPRovider??

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