context.objectsFromDataRows behaviour

From: Steve Wells (
Date: Wed Feb 09 2005 - 01:46:44 EST

  • Next message: Pirola Davide: "RE: maximum open cursors exceeded (with Stored Procedure)"

    Hi all,

    Sadly I have to call stored procs to SQL server, am using jtds 1.0 and
    Cayenne 1.2M2. So I created a DataObject and try to convert from rows
    to objects.

    This works:
    List rows = context.performQuery(query);
    // process results
    Iterator it = rows.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
         DataRow row = (DataRow);

           // do something with result, e.g. instantiate a real DataObject
           DocInfo object = (DocInfo)
           context.objectFromDataRow(DocInfo.class, row, true);

    But this does NOT:
    List list = context.objectsFromDataRows(DocInfo.class, rows, false,
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        Object o = list.get(i);

    What I get is always the first row repeated from the original resultset.
     If the query returns 100 rows, I get the first result from that set in
    the variable called "list", 100 times. Also if I set refresh param to
    true I get the last result 100 times
    (context.objectsFromDataRows(DocInfo.class, rows, true, false))

    Anyone else been using this sucessfully with SP's?

    Also which would be the recommended technique anyway?



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