DataObject becomes hollow when passed through a tapestry DirectLink

From: Craig Turner (
Date: Wed Mar 30 2005 - 04:12:52 EST

  • Next message: laila paganelli: "Re: Problems with OracleAdapter"

    I've run into a strange situation today with the application I'm working
    on. We're using tapestry 3.0.2 and cayenne-1.1. The problem is that a
    data object becomes hollow while I'm passing it around, and the
    workaround I'm having to use to refetch it is very ugly for our system.

    Here's what happens:
    1) The tapestry engine renders a page that displays a series of direct
    links in a contrib.table (this is a bit like a WOTable but heavier).
    2) During the render of that table, I put a DirectLink into each row.
    Each directlink has a parameter array associated with it, and that
    parameter array contains an entity.
    3) When the user clicks on the link, tapestry calls a method that tries
    to extract the parameter. The DataObject has become hollow.

    Strangely, this system worked as I'd expected earlier today. The hollow
    obstacle came up as I worked on the page. I'm not sure what I changed in
    the meantime..

    What are the rules about how dataobjects become hollow, and is there a
    way of me preventing it from happening?

       - C

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