Performance Tuning in a Web App

From: Fredrik Liden (
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 18:12:36 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Performance Tuning in a Web App"

    I'd like to query a table for a thousand or so entries (which in turn
    has a set of relations to other entries/tables. I need to process each
    entry one by one but after that I don't need that entry.

    According to the note under Performance Tuning -> 11.3 Iterating Through
    Data Rows: An Application with Web GUI is NOT a good candidate for
    implementation using ResultIterators.

    Is it not a good candidate even if the query/processing will take place
    in only one jsp page or one servlet?

    Or Could I obtain entries as data objects (or data rows), do processing
    and then delete the object from the context one by one to release that
    memory and move on to the next one?



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