The right tool for integration to existing DB

From: Colin Surprenant (
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 11:42:46 EDT

  • Next message: Eric Schneider: "Re: Comparing Current Snapshot and Committed Snapshot"


    I am totally new to Cayenne and I am currently trying to find the best
    tool to use to integrate my Java app with an *existing* DB. Any comments
    & pointers that will help me understand if Cayenne is the right tool for
    me will be very much appreciated!

    At this stage my need is quite simple (and deadline is short ;) : I need
    to bind my application to a few tables of an existing (DB2) database, I
    want to work with classes and abstract the object to table mapping. In
    one table I will typically query for rows using some criteria and in the
    other I will insert new rows. That's it.

    In the future, I will eventually need to bing my application to
    different databases with different schemas but I would like to keep the
    same object interface from my application perspective and only have to
    modify or regenerate the actual mapping necessary for the new database.

    Is Cayenne right for me?


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