Re: memory usage

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Apr 27 2005 - 17:53:40 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: <cgen> Ant task and makepairs attribute"

    > The database I am working with has two tables with blobs. The blob
    > records are all <5MB. Those tables are mapped in my cayenne model, but
    > I am not using cayenne for those tables as I am afraid those blobs will
    > fill up the cache. Anyone know of a nice solution to using cayenne on
    > tables with blobs?

    I was planning to add streaming blobs support, so that instead of mapping
    blob or clob as byte[] or String, you'd map it to a Cayenne-provided class
    that can provide a stream on demand. Don't remember if I ever started a
    task in Jira...

    In the meantoime you can imlement your own ExtendedType
    that resolves LOBs on demand and doesn't store them in memory.


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