Re: superclass template question

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Wed May 11 2005 - 11:10:46 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: superclass template question"

    On 5/11/05, Erik Hatcher <> wrote:
    > I want to generate something like this in each of my superclasses:
    > static public final User forPK(Object pk) {
    > return (User) DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(getCurrentDataContext
    > (), User.class, pk);
    > }
    > First of all, is this approach reasonable to do? Are others doing
    > something similar? getCurrentDataContext() comes from my custom base
    > class and pulls the DataContext from thread local storage. My goal
    > is to keep direct Cayenne dependence out of my Tapestry code, and for
    > things like looking up an object by its primary key, I'd like to that
    > to be clean and straightforward to use. My reliance on Cayenne will
    > ideally be indirect as in the above finder method.
    Nothing wrong with this approach, except that because its generic, it
    may lead to unclear usage. For example, if you have a compound key,
    you're going to need to pass a map, but this signature will happily
    accept an object, which will never find a match, but never throw an
    error indicating as much.

    This is a problem with DataObjectUtils no matter what, of course, but
    with a wrapper like this, the developer is less aware of what's
    happening under the hood. I think you can work around this by having a
    branch depending on if classGen.Entity.DbEntity.PrimaryKey has more
    than 1 entry or not (if more than 1, force a Map). If your people are
    smart, though, it doesn't really matter.

    > Second - how can I get the package name of User when generating
    > _User? I have superclasses generated into a separate package than
    > the subclass objects (which I create manually).

    Good question :) I've done similar things before, but always by hand
    in the wrapper class, rather than in the generator as you're trying to
    do. If you look at superclass.vm and subclass.vm, they both reference
    their (different) package the same way: classGen.packageName. I have a
    hunch that you don't have access to this information, but if you want
    to be sure, check the ClassGenerator class. This is what Cayenne
    passes to velocity as 'classGen'. It might be accessible through
    classGen.entity (ObjEntity)


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