Setting a many to many relationship List

From: Albert Jagnow (
Date: Thu Jun 16 2005 - 17:27:50 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Setting a many to many relationship List"

    When working with a many to many relationship in cayenne using a
    flattened relationship is it possible to just set the List of related
    objects instead of adding each one at a time. I didn't see a set method
    generated only a get method. Without getting too specific the
    application I am working with has an item and a list of users who each
    item affects. When I create the item object if I already know the list
    of users can't I just call item.setAffectedUsers(userList). I guess I
    can write code to iterate over the List, but I am a long time EOF user,
    and since cayenne seems to work a lot like EOF I was sort of expecting a
    set method that would accomplish this in a single line of code. Is
    there something that I am missing?



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