Cayenne performance degrades over time

From: Paul Cowan (
Date: Wed Jun 22 2005 - 15:04:50 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne performance degrades over time"

    Hi Andrus,

    I'm seeing behaviour in my app using Cayenne, where it runs slower and slower
    the longer the application runs without a restart. I suspect that it will
    eventually run out of memory. Upon restart, performance starts out high

    I wrote a very simple test application to rule out any of my custom code. It
    simply registers a new objects with the DataContext, sets a property, and
    calls commitChanges. The test app prints out the elapsed time for every 1000
    iterations. The results are here:

    If you want to run the simple test application yourself, it's here:

    As you can see, performance degrades linearly over time. It seems like
    DataContext is caching a pointer to every object created, despite my cache
    settings?? I've been playing with the "Max Number of Objects" setting in the
    Modeler, but different settings seem to have no effect.


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