Re: Share datacontext between users?

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 09:32:10 EDT

  • Next message: Hefest: "Re: arbitrary queries, no root node"

    DataContext.commitChanges() will propagate the
    changes across the data contexts. I doubt this
    is an issue with the data context; it's more likely
    that you're caching the list somewhere and not
    refetching the list from the data context.
    I'd check your code first to make sure this isn't happening. :)


    Twan Kogels wrote:
    > Hello all,
    > Last week i bumped into a strange behaviour. I have a webapp which
    > allows users to login, when a user is logged in he can modify a list of
    > items. Now 2 users login, a WebApplicationListener assigns a DataContext
    > to the Session. I get the datacontext when i need to do a query by
    > calling :
    > DataContext ctxt =
    > BasicServletConfiguration.getDefaultContext(request.getSession());
    > So this means if i understand the documentation right that each user get
    > a different DataContext.
    > User 1 logs in, User 2 logs in.
    > Now User1 deletes a Item, let's say item1. User1 views the list of items
    > and sees that item1 is deleted.
    > 5 seconds later User2 views the list and item1 is still there. User2
    > tries to delete item1 but this causes a exception cause User1 has
    > already deleted item1.
    > If User2 logs out and logs in again (new session created), and views the
    > list then item1 is gone.
    > I think the problem lies in the way i set or retrieve the datacontext.
    > Is there a way to let users share a DataContext so that they will see
    > each other actions? Or is it maybe something different?
    > Kind regards,
    > Twan

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