Re: Help with recursive relationship

From: Filip Balas (
Date: Mon Sep 19 2005 - 12:46:31 EDT

  • Next message: Filip Balas: "Re: Help with recursive relationship"

    The data for firstLocation is still in the
    database... so it has not been deleted
    inadvertantly and I have tried restarting
    Tomcat in case I messed up something
    in cayenne somehow.


    On 9/19/05, Filip Balas <> wrote:
    > I have a location object and table.
    > The location table has:
    > ID (index)
    > parent_id (optional reference to an ID of another location)
    > description
    > Now I have the parent, children relationships mapped in cayenne.
    > Recently I have encountered the following problem:
    > fooLocation has two children:
    > firstLocation (created using cayenne)
    > secondLocation (created after firstLocation)
    > When I execute fooLocation.getChildren()
    > I recieve a list back that has:
    > a hollow object with the id of firstLocation (state committed)
    > a full location object with (state committed)
    > Now I have used this relationship many times
    > with all of my objects coming back fine...
    > Now one of my objects is hollow which causes
    > null pointer exceptions everywhere.
    > Has anyone encountered this before?
    > Filip

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