Transient Attributes

From: Jürgen Saar (
Date: Tue Sep 27 2005 - 02:13:16 EDT

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: Reconnecting serialized DataObjects"


    there were some diskussions about this in past.

    In this diskussions I had to learn that the only way
    for transient attributes are implementing getters
    in the DataObject.

    This is OK even for access via jxpath
    ... but ...
    we have a team with about 10 people and for
    documentation purposes it would be very
    helpful having the transient attributes in

    In cayenne, as it is today (I think even 1.2),
    there is no way to define an ObjAttribute
    without a corresponding DbAttribute, or
    is there a way I don't know?

    For documentation it would also be helpful
    to have some description/comments in
    the repository. Has anyone made some
    enhancements in this direction?

    --- Juergen ---

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