Modeler Attribute Order Question.

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 17:26:42 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Modeler Attribute Order Question."


    Is it possible to control somehow the order of the fields/attributes displayed(and saved)
    in Attribute table for Object Entities?

    After a reverse engineering this order doesn't seem to be the same like one from the DB Entities
    Attributes (and this seems to be the same like in the DB - very good).

    At the moment I can see no 'move up' and 'move down' button for such an operation in the Modeler(if
    at least the order from the DB was not followed).

    This functionality would be very important, since the order from that Object Entities Attributes is
    used for every generation (e.g. for the POJO fields).
    This is more evident for custom generation:
    e.g. for a UI, the order would be very important: it's not the same if the "description" is before
    the "name" or after it.

    This 'randomness' makes at the moment 'unusable' the custom UI generation from the Cayenne Modeler.

    Thanks in advance,

    P.S. I can see this behavior with M6 too.

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