Re: Modeler Attribute Order Question.

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 19:34:39 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Modeler Attribute Order Question."

    > And also we have model annotations on the 1.2 roadmap that can serve
    > whatever purpose you want them to.
    This is nice, but in most *real* cases they make no sense(I mean
    to start with the POJOs):
    - for most projects there's always a DB there (even if it's not the final),
    so one can't start with the POJOs (and annotations).
    Many specifications come with a 'prototype'(it seems Power Designer et co are
    very known :) ) version of the DB so reverse engineering the DB is more important IMHO,
    (and managing the subsequent changes)

    Thanks in advance,


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