Re: auto class generated by 1.2M6 gets compile warning

From: Jeff de Vries (
Date: Thu Nov 03 2005 - 16:53:40 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: auto class generated by 1.2M6 gets compile warning"

    More info:
    It's only in the superclass classes that are generated for ObjEntities that inherit from another ObjEntity (which possibly must have a one-to-many relationship).

    I'll file a bug report.

    Jeff de Vries wrote:

    Well, I don't know how to check if I have an "actual velocity template", but as far as I can tell I'm doing the same thing that I did with 1.2M5 and 1.2M4 and the generated classes from those didn't produce the warnings that I'm seeing with 1.2M6.

    Jürgen Saar wrote:
    are you sure that you have a actual velocity template?
    I think this was in an early superclass-template,
    in the actual one I think there is a 'if' to check
    the List class to be used (is there a 1->n relation?). 
    It should be no modeler problem.
    --- Juergen ---
     schrieb am 31.10.05 23:28:26:
    Using the 1.2M6 Modeler to generate classes, I get compiler warnings 
    from each of the _auto classes:
    "The import java.util.List is never used." (which is indeed the case).
    This didn't happen with previous versions of the Modeler.
    Jeff de Vries
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