Re: Deferred propagated key error

From: Lindsay Steele (
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 18:41:53 EST

  • Next message: Oscar Maire-Richard: "heap memory not released"

    Its an exception (org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException).

    A little bit more testing shows that the number it is talking about is
    the original value.

    Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    >Is it an error an informational message?
    >It reads like it could be saying that no key was generated because the
    >key already equals 3.
    >On 12/21/05, Lindsay Steele <> wrote:
    >>When I use the latest version of Cayenne, I get the following error when
    >>trying to update an object. I only get it in one part of my app where
    >>it is updating a single object. From what I can work out I am not
    >>seeing it in other parts of the app but this might be because in other
    >>parts I am not updating a "to" relationship.
    >>[v.1.2M9 December 15 2005] Deferred propagated key (gender_id) wasn't
    >>generated for object with ID <ObjectId:Gender, gender_id=3>
    >>This problem does not occur in M7 or M8. Both of these versions update
    >>the values without a problem and no error message.
    >>I am not totally sure what the error message means, is this something I
    >>am doing wrong - or do people think it is a bug.

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