Hmm... I can't reproduce it with M10 or the current CVS code. If you
can provide a test case (or maybe a stack dump?) it would be great.
It shouldn't really matter (I tested it both ways), but does it work
if you replace "dc.performQuery(query)" with
On Jan 30, 2006, at 7:32 PM, Bryan Lewis wrote:
> I have some code that worked well in earlier versions of Cayenne
> (1.2M4
> or before) but now it goes into an infinite loop.
> String sql = "delete from Search_Data where UserName = 'joe'";
> SQLTemplate query = new SQLTemplate(Company.class, sql);
> dc.performQuery(query);
> The query is deleting all the rows from the user's previous
> search. In
> this case there are 20 rows.
> The code enters the performQuery() but never comes out. The log shows
> an infinite list of this message:
> [QueryLogger] === updated 20 rows.
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