Re: DbGenerator

From: Paul Furbacher (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2006 - 10:47:24 EST

  • Next message: Paul Furbacher: "Re: DbGenerator"

    On Mar 3, 2006, at 5:42 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Current MySQLAdapter was designed for the MyISAM tables that do not
    > support constraints. I just added InnoDB autodetection and
    > constraint support code to the adapter. It should work in the next
    > nightly build (note that you'll have to delete explicit
    > MySQLAdapter for the DataNode in the Modeler, so that Cayenne
    > autodetection could kick in).

    Is this working in the March 7, 2006 daily build? I have a MySQL db
    definitely has foreign keys defined for a number of tables, yet when I
    used Modeler, set the DataSource adapter to "Automatic", and then
    "Re-engineer Database Schema" followed by "Generate Schema", select
    "Create FK Support", no foreign key constraints show up in the generated

    I must be doing something wrong, but can't imagine what.

    Sorry to be a bother.

    Paul Furbacher

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