Re: reverse engineering a postgresql database: no relationships detected?

From: Tomi NA (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2006 - 12:25:40 EST

  • Next message: WONDER: "Re: reverse engineering a postgresql database: no relationships detected?"

    On 3/11/06, WONDER <> wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am not sure if i understand you.
    > I am using PostgreSQL 8.1.3 with the jdbc 8.2dev-501 JDBC 3
    > and already imported tables with thier relationships!
    > Try to update the server/jdbc and if now maybe you ask again to send the
    > other settings.
    > Sako.

    I'm updating postgresql to 8.1.3 as I write this: I'll see what I come up
    As for other relevant information, here's my environment description:
    postgresql 8.1.2
    cayenne 1.2M10
    jdbc driver 8.2dev-510.jdbc3
    gentoo linux, custom 2.6.15 kernel

    Status update:
    I've just upgraded pgsql from 8.1.2 to 8.1.3 and now reengineering works.
    Sort of. It works with an empty project (=the first time it's called). If I
    add a test table referencing an existing table in the database and try to
    reengineer, I see the same behaviour as before.
    I'd say this suggest that we should look for a solution in the cayenne code,
    instead of the pgsql-jdbc code.


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