Re: [announce] Click Framework 1.0 is now available

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2006 - 10:50:40 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Howto modify primary key cache size"

    Hi Malcom,

    I know this is a bit off-topic, but I'm curious if you have a feature
    matrix/etc of a comparison between Click, Tapestry, and any of the
    other web frameworks (such as Wicket). I've been using Tapestry for
    some smaller applications and while I like parts of it, there are
    others parts that just seem more difficult than they should be. Plus,
    the whole T3->T4 upgrade was a pain and it looks like that'll be
    happening again for the next upgrade of Tapestry. So, I'm keeping a
    bit of an open mind about other frameworks for future projects.



    On 10/4/06, Malcolm Edgar <> wrote:
    > Hi All,
    > Click Framework 1.0 is now available.
    > For the list of changes please see:
    > This release includes a number of new Cayenne examples.
    > regards Malcolm Edgar

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