Shared cache

From: Marko (
Date: Wed Oct 18 2006 - 05:20:00 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan Lewis: "prepared statements"

    Hi, list!

    I have a problem setting up a shared cache between two JVMs. The changes
    in the JVM A don't all get propagated to JVM B. Here's the code:

    JVM A:

            // The following doesn't trigger the remote snapshot event...
            DataContext context = DataContext.createDataContext();
            Dbe001 e001 = (Dbe001)context.createAndRegisterNewObject(Dbe001.class);

            // While this does...
            SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Dbe001.class);
            List<Dbe001> artists = context.performQuery(query);

    JVM B:

                SnapshotEventListener customListener = new DCSnapshotEventListener();

                DataDomain domain = Configuration.getSharedConfiguration()

                        "snapshotsChanged", SnapshotEvent.class,


    class DCSnapshotEventListener
            implements SnapshotEventListener
        public void snapshotsChanged(SnapshotEvent event)
            Map<ObjectId, DataRow> diff = event.getModifiedDiffs();

    The data object looks like this:

    public class _Dbe001 extends org.apache.cayenne.CayenneDataObject {

        public static final String A002_PROPERTY = "a002";

        public static final String A001_PK_COLUMN = "a001";

        public void setA002(Integer a002) {
            writeProperty("a002", a002);
        public Integer getA002() {
            return (Integer)readProperty("a002");


    And the database entity is as follows:

    <data-map project-version="2.0">
            <db-entity name="dbe001">
                    <db-attribute name="a001" type="INTEGER" isPrimaryKey="true"
                    <db-attribute name="a002" type="INTEGER"/>
            <obj-entity name="Dbe001" className="Dbe001" dbEntityName="dbe001">
                    <obj-attribute name="a002" type="java.lang.Integer"

    The transport layer is JGroups with default settings. Any ideas?

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