Re: best practice for handling database schema changes

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2006 - 10:50:21 EST

  • Next message: Tobias SCHOESSLER: "best practice for handling database schema changes"

    Currently you have to manually merge the changes just as you states.
    I should probably make an FAQ for this ...



    On 11/30/06, Tobias SCHOESSLER <> wrote:
    > hi,
    > What is the best practice for handling changes to the database schema once a
    > cayenne mapping was created?
    > We use the 'reverse engineer from database' feature to create an initial
    > mapping. But then we usually have to do manual changes like map some pks,
    > add flattened relationships, etc.
    > If then the database schema needs to be changed we usually have a problem as
    > 'reverse engineer from database' overwrites everything. There seems to be
    > the possibility to replace only selected tables but if you do this the
    > relationships are messed up. Is there a way to merge the changes with the
    > current model/mapping?
    > thanks
    > Tobias

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