Re: Delete rules

From: Peter Karich (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2006 - 15:26:47 EST

  • Next message: Landry Soules: "Problem with DB schema generation"


    Before I get the NPE in the setToManyTarget
    (please see the 'NullPointerException when setting deletion rules' thread)

    I get one in setToOneTarget, because I have the 'No Action'-delete rule
    for the relationship timeintervals->room.
    So I vote for 'Nullify' action :-), this avoids the NPE ...
    But we should highlight the phrase in the docs:

    "Though this is a default (the 'No Action'), it is not very useful, and
    can lead to object graph corruption in many cases. It is developer
    responsibility to select a more meaningful delete rule."


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