Re: how does cayenne handle values ?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2006 - 06:53:58 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: how does cayenne handle values ?"

    Yeah, daylight saving time is tricky... Though the Date object still
    stores information about the timezone. I am surprised the driver
    doesn't account for it. Here is a few options that you have:

    1. [the simplest] If you can redesign your database, I'd suggest
    storing dates as long numbers.
    2. "Normalize" dates as "pseudo-UTC" (i.e. subtracting an absolute
    difference with UTC, that should take into account the daylight
    saving time):

    Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar();
    int offsetMinutes = -(cal1.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal1.get
    (Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000);

    But again, I am surprised that driver doesn't do that for you - may
    require more research with your DB...


    On Dec 8, 2006, at 5:58 PM, Lothar Krenzien wrote:
    > Hi,
    > because I didn't solved the problems of my previous posts I've
    > tried to create another demo. Basicly I have the following
    > situation. I get an xml file (via a servlet) which contains a comma-
    > separated list of values (for example energy values) and a start
    > date. So the file could looks like :
    > <startDate>28.10.2006 22:14:28</startDate>
    > <valueList>0.2 , 0.5 , 0.7, 0.9</valueList>
    > The first entry should be aligned to the last quarter before (!)
    > the startDate. And then I have to iterate over the value list and
    > align each value to the next quarter. The result should looks like :
    > 28.10.2006 22:00 = 0.2
    > 28.10.2006 22:15 = 0.5
    > 28.10.2006 22:30 = 0.7
    > 28.10.2006 22:45 = 0.9
    > Even if the startDate has always the format "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm" it
    > could represents a different timezone. Let's say "Asia/Seoul".
    > timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Seoul");
    > dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss");
    > dateFormat.setTimeZone(timezone);
    > parsedDate = dateFormat.parse(startDate);
    > My problem now is, when I try to create a cayenne Tbl* object and
    > set the date value in it - the following value is stored in the
    > database "Sat Oct 28 15:18:48 CEST 2006". But I would like to have
    > "Sat Oct 28 22:18:48 CEST 2006". I think it's because
    > java.util.Date just stores the time in UTC and "converts" it
    > transparently to the default timezone.
    > Of course I can get a workaround for it. But the major problem for
    > me is the break in time during the change from summer- to
    > wintertime (the clock is turned back by 1h). In germay the clock
    > changes from 3:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. That courses that when I
    > proceed the value for 2:45 a.m the next value will be aligned to
    > 2:00 a.m again. But in Korea there is no summer- or wintertime so
    > the value should be aligned to 3:00 a.m..
    > Generally that's not a problem because the timezone has a method
    > inDaylightTime() so that I know when the change was happen and can
    > skipp the unneeded values.
    > But as I just said, in Korea there is no daylighttime and thus no
    > need to skipp the values. But Java converts the (korean) date value
    > into a date value for the default timezone (germany here) and so I
    > have the values between 2:00 a.m and 3.00 a.m. twice. And that's
    > not allowed by the database.
    > When I convert the date back into a string using
    > dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-
    > dd HH:mm:ss.SSS, zzzz");
    > dateFormat.setTimeZone(timezone);
    > formattedDate = dateFormat.format(valueDate);
    > I get the correct date string back.
    > For me it looks like that cayenne (or maybe the jdbc driver) should
    > consider the timezone for a date.
    > I've provided two samples to illustrate what I mean. The first
    > small sample shows how cayenne stores date values. The second
    > sample shows the exception during the change in daylight time.
    > It would be nice if someone could try it out and could give a
    > comment on it.
    > Thanks, Lothar
    > ------------------------------------ the database tables
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ---------------------
    > /*
    > CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblEfficiencyBlock] (
    > [efficiencyBlockId] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
    > [serialNumber] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL
    > ) ON [PRIMARY]
    > GO
    > CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblEffBlockData] (
    > [effBlockDataId] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
    > [efficiencyBlockId] [int] NOT NULL ,
    > [dataDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
    > [energyValue] [float] NOT NULL
    > ) ON [PRIMARY]
    > GO
    > INDEX [IX_tblEffblockdata_1] ON [dbo].[tblEffBlockData]
    > ([efficiencyBlockId], [dataDate])
    > WITH
    > ON [PRIMARY]
    > */
    > /*
    > insert into tblEfficiencyBlock
    > (serialNumber)
    > values
    > ('123456')
    > */
    > ------------------------------------------ the application code
    > ----------------------------
    > void doTest{
    > energyValues = values.split(",");
    > valueDate = adjustDataDate(timezone, parsedDate);
    > for (String energyValue : energyValues) {
    > if (timezone.inDaylightTime(valueDate)) {
    > // skip some values
    > }
    > //TblImportEffBlockData importData = (TblImportEffBlockData)
    > context.createAndRegisterNewObject(TblImportEffBlockData.class);
    > //importData.setEnergyValue(energyValue)
    > //importData.setDataDate(valueDate);
    > //importData.setToTblEfficiencyBlock(efficiencyBlock)
    > valueDate = getNextDataDate(timezone, valueDate);
    > }
    > //context.commitChanges();
    > }
    > private Date getNextDataDate(TimeZone timezone,Date date) {
    > // adds 15 min
    > Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(timezone);
    > cal.setTime(date);
    > cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 15);
    > return cal.getTime();
    > }
    > private Date adjustDataDate(TimeZone timezone,Date date) {
    > // round the passed date down to the previous quarter
    > Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(timezone) ;
    > cal.setTime(date);
    > int minutes = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) % 15;
    > int seconds = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND);
    > int mseconds = cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
    > cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -minutes);
    > cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, -seconds);
    > cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -mseconds);
    > return cal.getTime();
    > }
    > ------------------------------------------------ 1st demo
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------
    > <startDate>29.10.2006 01:54:28</startDate>
    > <valueList>
    > 0.2,0.5,0.7,0.9,
    > 0.2,0.5,0.7,0.9
    > </valueList>
    > -- cayenne output
    > INSERT INTO dbo.tblEffBlockData (dataDate, efficiencyBlockId,
    > energyValue) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 20:15:00.0', 1091, 0.9114, 0.7]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 20:30:00.0', 1091, 0.9121, 0.9]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 20:00:00.0', 1091, 0.9107, 0.5]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 19:45:00.0', 1091, 0.9098, 0.2]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 21:15:00.0', 1091, 0.9114, 0.7]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 21:30:00.0', 1091, 0.9121, 0.9]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 21:00:00.0', 1091, 0.9107, 0.5]
    > [bind: '2006-10-28 20:45:00.0', 1091, 0.9098, 0.2]
    > -- database output
    > 1091 2006-10-28 19:45:00.000 0.2
    > 1091 2006-10-28 20:00:00.000 0.5
    > 1091 2006-10-28 20:15:00.000 0.7
    > 1091 2006-10-28 20:30:00.000 0.9
    > 1091 2006-10-28 20:45:00.000 0.2
    > 1091 2006-10-28 21:00:00.000 0.5
    > 1091 2006-10-28 21:15:00.000 0.7
    > 1091 2006-10-28 21:30:00.000 0.9
    > ------------------------------------------------ 2nd demo
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------
    > <startDate>28.10.2006 22:14:28</startDate>
    > <valueList>
    > 13.65, 13.76, 13.81, 13.72,
    > 13.65, 13.65, 13.65, 13.57,
    > 13.49, 13.43, 13.43, 13.43,
    > 13.42, 13.35, 13.20, 13.20,
    > 13.28, 13.26, 13.28, 13.37,
    > 13.57, 13.62, 13.42, 13.43,
    > 13.54, 13.28, 12.94, 12.99,
    > 12.96, 12.98, 13.01, 13.03,
    > 13.16, 13.18, 13.33, 13.40,
    > 13.42, 13.45, 13.62, 13.84,
    > 13.96, 13.99, 14.20, 14.60,
    > 15.06, 15.66, 16.35, 16.47,
    > 16.78, 18.12, 17.76, 21.22,
    > 21.97, 22.04, 25.65, 25.00,
    > 19.54, 21.00, 18.59, 18.51,
    > 17.62, 17.81, 17.66, 19.10,
    > 20.59, 20.19, 18.76, 17.13,
    > 16.86, 15.96, 14.83, 14.38,
    > 13.55, 12.91, 12.30, 12.45,
    > 12.60, 12.64, 12.54, 12.42,
    > 11.72, 11.69, 11.82, 10.87,
    > 10.50, 10.26, 10.14, 9.92,
    > 10.09, 10.30, 10.06, 9.85,
    > 9.70, 9.57, 9.45, 9.62
    > </valueList>
    > -- cayenne output
    > INSERT INTO dbo.tblEffBlockData ...
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 18:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 01:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 01:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 21:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 02:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091, xxx
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 15:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 13:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 07:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 06:00:00.0', 0.4 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 06:15:00.0', 0.3, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 01:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 12:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 20:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 15:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 10:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 16:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 22:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 11:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 23:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 04:45:00.0', 0.1, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 22:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 19:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 06:45:00.0', 0.1, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 05:30:00.0', 0.1, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 00:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 10:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 23:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 16:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 19:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 10:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 02:30:00.0', 0.1, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 00:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 03:00:00.0', 0.3, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 11:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 12:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 05:15:00.0', 0.1, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 20:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 07:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 01:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 00:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 13:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 10:15:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 07:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 08:45:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 00:00:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-28 15:30:00.0', 0.0, 1091,
    > [bind: 2006-10-29 02:45:00.0', 0.4, 1091, xxx
    > *** error.
    > java.sql.SQLException: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object
    > 'tblEffBlockData' with unique index 'IX_tblEffblockdata_1'.
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SQLDiagnostic.addDiagnostic
    > (
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.tdsErrorToken(
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.nextToken(
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.getMoreResults(
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsStatement.processResults
    > (
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsStatement.executeSQL
    > (
    > at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsPreparedStatement.executeUpdate
    > (
    > at
    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.jdbc.BatchAction.runAsIndividualQueries
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.jdbc.BatchAction.performAction
    > (
    > at
    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.sqlserver.SQLServerBatchAction.performActi
    > on(
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataNodeQueryAction.runQuery
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataNode.performQueries
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataDomainFlushAction.runQueries
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataDomainFlushAction.flush
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataDomain.onSyncFlush
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataDomain$2.transform
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataDomain.runInTransaction
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataDomain.onSync
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContext.flushToParent
    > (
    > at org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContext.commitChanges
    > (

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