Re: many to many relation

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2006 - 13:39:45 EST

  • Next message: marco turchi: "Re: many to many relation"

    On Dec 11, 2006, at 17:36, marco turchi wrote:

    > the problem is that using the moduler I'm not able to create an
    > obj-relationship without create a new db-relationship. It means that I
    > obtain more relationships than the relationships you shown me in
    > the example
    > (I obtain what I wrote in the previous email).

    Okay, I now see the problem. In the "ObjRelationship Inspector"
    dialog, do not press any of the buttons to create a new db
    relationship. I just clicked once inside the DbRelationships-table of
    the dialog and a dropdown show up. Select the db-relationship and
    erverything should be ok.

    This was how I fixed the model using the modeler.

      - Tore.

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