Re: Re: Represesntation of database NULL as something else than Java null pointer

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 08:40:35 EST

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Re: Re: Represesntation of database NULL as something else than Java null pointer"

    The NPEs from OGNL strings (like "") are more of an OGNL
    issue than a Cayenne issue. At least in my opinion. I think the best
    thing to do, especially with regards to Tapestry and OGNL and Cayenne,
    is to add a cayenne: prefix extension to Tapestry (just like HLS added
    a prop: prefix -- see
    if not familiar with it). The cayenne: prefix would ignore nulls.
    Like in your example of "", if bar is null, the whole
    expression is null. This has been on my personal to-do list for a
    while. Maybe I should revisit it. Then most of the ognl: expressions
    can go away and you won't need to write a lot of special null-handling
    code. In my own project here, that special null-handling code can add
    30-40% to the size of the page class. Nasty.


    PS. I just started looking at that blog entry from HLS. Looks like he
    has added path expressions to it since I last looked. It *may*
    already handle nulls ... must investigate more.

    On 12/14/06, Øyvind Harboe <> wrote:
    > On 12/14/06, Tore Halset <> wrote:
    > > On Dec 14, 2006, at 9:11 , Øyvind Harboe wrote:
    > >
    > > > Could I implement my own "NeverNullString" datatype where I'm thinking
    > > > that .toString() returns the either what Cayenne java.lang.String
    > > > returns today or e.g. "" for the case where it represents a database
    > > > null?
    > >
    > > Or perhaps map java.lang.CharSequence and create a NullString that
    > > implements it. You could then create an ExtendedType (perhaps
    > > subclass CharType) that does what you want.
    > I messed around with this for a while and I've drawn some conclusions:
    > - If I'm to use CharSequence instead of String's, then that needs to
    > be in the application from day #1. It's testing hell trying to replace
    > String w/anything but a subclass of string(which isn't possible since
    > String is final).
    > - As I'm using Tapestry, then if I return something to Tapestry that
    > it interprets as an empty string, then it will set an empty string
    > upon my Cayenne object during Form rewind. If I used an empty string
    > to represent database null, my code would then make the mistake of
    > changing the database value from database null to an empty string.
    > - If it is OK from an application point of view to turn database null
    > into empty strings as a side effect of Tapestry form rewind, then this
    > approach seems fine and relatively straightforward.
    > - ExtendedType can not deal with relationships and database null, and
    > until I get rid of NPE(null pointer exceptions) w/relationships(ref.
    > OGNL property strings where bar might be null), I've only
    > got half a solution. There have been other posts about relationships
    > and NPE's in the past in Cayenne-user, but a robust solution is far
    > from obvious.
    > --
    > Øyvind Harboe

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