Problems with schema reverse engineer on Sybase 12.5.4 Solaris

From: jerome moliere (
Date: Mon Jan 08 2007 - 13:06:58 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne Annotations"

    Hi all,
    I'm facing a strange problem while reverse engineering with the modeller my
    schema living on a sybase host
    (Solaris / 12.5.4).... It must be a tricky problem because Hibernate tools
    have the same problem:
    both tools are unable to see primary keys !!!! or any other kind of
    relations (foreign keys)..

    It's strange because with a ten lines program I can list the primary keys
    (same result as the sp_helpconstraint stored procedure)
    greping through the code I can't find any usage from the
    DatabaseMetadata.getPrimaryKeys()? strange isn't it ?
    I guess that there must a better (unknown from me) while trying to do a
    reverse engineer from a schema ?

    Any pointer/remark welcome
    excuse my poor english written

    Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
    auteur Eyrolles

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