possible but with refresh objects in modeler

From: edward pedersson (cpsmadnes..ooglemail.com)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2007 - 19:08:43 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Creating new object in validateForInsert or validateForSave"


    I have a named query in the model and I have set it to refresh objects. In
    addition I have a relationship (from a persistent obejct) that returns more
    or less the same objects but less efficiently. When I run the application
    and get the objects via the relationship and then modify then everything
    works just fine. If I then try to fetch the objects using the named query
    whilst they are still in their modified state then all the oneToOne
    relationships are nullified during the force merge and as a result the
    object does not reflect the snapshot or the modified objects properties.

    I'm I doing something wrong here?

    I have turned of the refreshing as I don't need it and it works just fine
    but it seems odd that everything gets nullified.



    -- e

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