deleteObject() and localObject() and object states

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 23:37:24 EST

  • Next message: Jun Bondoy: "Re: help on relationship"

    I just wanted to share my recent findings about deleteObject() and
    localObject() in remote cayenne

    (assuming that there is only one apple in the db)

    Apple apple1 = (Apple)context1.performQuery(Apple.class).get(0);
    Apple apple2 = (Apple)context2.performQuery(Apple.class).get(0);


    context1.getGraphManager().registeredNodes() is empty
    context2.getGraphManager().registeredNodes() is also empty which is
    great, but

    apple2.getObjectContext() returns context2, and that is confusing...

    How come that the context lost reference to the object, but object
    had not lost the reference to the context ? Is that a bug or some
    limitation ?
    also the apple2.getPersistenceState() is commited. I'm not clear at
    all if that is difficult to change.

    this all leads to yet another problem, where
    context3.localObject(apple2) gives a hollow object with some fields
    filled, but the object cannot be faulted. (A nice
    FaultFailureException is thrown, but it is sometimes too late.)
    I'm overriding localObject behaviour in my application, but it would
    be nice if cayenne dealt with it.

    My idea is to have two localObject methods:
    - new localObject() could take Persistent as a parameter, this will
    allow to check if the incoming object has a context and in what
    persistent state is it:
            * if getObjectContext() == null and getPersistentState() == NEW than
    the object can be copied/inserted to the context
            * if getObjectContext() != null and getPersistentState() = COMMITTED
    or MODIFIED than the object can be copied/inserted to the context
            * else it cannot proceed, and some exception is thrown
    - old localObject() could be more restrictive and throw Exception
    instead of returning a HOLLOW object.

    Oh, and javadocs for localObject are a bit out of date: " (...) *all*
    objects in the source *list* must be(...)"

    With regards

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