Re: Temporary Objects

From: Peter Karich (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2007 - 15:40:51 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Temporary Objects"

    Thank you both Mike and Bryan!

    Mike Kienenberger schrieb:
    > What about creating and setting your own ObjectID values for your
    > non-persistent components?

    Yes, I though about that, but the persistent objects should also have
    this sort of ID. But then I need a database stored counter to avoid that
    the objectID starts from 0 on every new program start. And so the
    database generated ID would make this job.

    Bryan Maine schrieb:
    > Anyway, if you need to do it, this code works: ...

    This sort of code works fine. The problem is that it only works with
    persistent objects...

    through the discussion I think I should NOT use the ID's!

    So if the following is true under ALL circumstances (get the objects
    from different context or sth.) then I am satisfied:

    if "obj1 == obj2" then "pk(obj1) == pk(obj2)"

    AND if "pk(obj1) == pk(obj2)" then "obj1 == obj2".

    I think the first line is always true, what about the second?
    Then I can create a SimilarEntry which holds a TimeInterval and
    "overloads" the equals method by comparing by the pointers ("obj1 ==
    obj2") and do not need the ID's.

    Thank you,
    Peter Karich.

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