RE: Cayenne -- Apache automatic deploy problem

From: Marc Gabriel-Willem (
Date: Mon Apr 02 2007 - 02:59:34 EDT

  • Next message: jerome moliere: "Hook in the cayenne internals"

    Yes, it seems to have a problem with the 'awakeFromDeserialization'
    function. Not sure to understand what you mean by 'code called before
    cayenne is loaded' but for your information the code that crash is
    called by a jsf action method.

    Moreover, the problem seems to come from 'relationship objects' (in my
    case: m_editableGroup.getGroupContentArray()).

    To summarize:

    1) In a backing bean, I create a child data context and store it as a
    member variable.
    2) I link entity objects to that child data context.
    3) I modify those entity objects
    4) I shut down the tomcat server
    5) I restart the the tomcat server
    6) I call a jsf action method (in my business, a save) and then the
    crash appear :|

    Thank you for your help.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 3:25 PM
    Subject: Re: Cayenne -- Apache automatic deploy problem

    This likely means that 'awakeFromDeserialization' [1] failed to
    attach DataContext to Cayenne stack. Is it possible that the code in
    question called before Cayenne stack is loaded? Where is it called



    On Mar 30, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I checked the entity resolver value.
    > Indeed, in this situation the value is 'null'.
    > Marc
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Andrus Adamchik []
    > Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 4:16 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: Cayenne -- Apache automatic deploy problem
    > I can't reproduce this error in a test case. I am out of ideas what
    > might have caused it. Can you possibly debug this condition to figure
    > out why the 'metadata' field in DataContextQueryAction is null? First
    > thing to check:
    > m_editableGroup.getObjectContext().getEntityResolver() != null
    > Andrus
    > On Mar 30, 2007, at 5:24 PM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:
    >> Hello,
    >> Sorry, it is the first time I'm using a list like this one. So, I'm
    >> doing some crazy error with it :) For example, I hope my "reply
    >> all" is
    >> a correct action to do in this case.
    >> I saw your first reply.
    >> I have exactly the same error when I stop and restart properly the
    >> Tomcat server. In fact, stoping and restarting the server simulate
    >> the
    >> serialization / deserialization operation that an application
    >> server can
    >> do at any time it wants (isn't it ?)
    >> Marc
    >> -----Original Message-----
    >> From: Andrus Adamchik []
    >> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 3:09 PM
    >> To:
    >> Cc: Marc Gabriel-Willem
    >> Subject: Re: Cayenne -- Apache automatic deploy problem
    >> Hi, See my original reply asking for more information here:
    >> BTW, it would be much easier to communicate if you subscribe to the
    >> list :-)
    >> Andrus
    >> On Mar 30, 2007, at 4:46 PM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:
    >>> Hi,
    >>> Sorry to repost that question, but I was not properly register to
    >>> the
    >>> mailing list, so I was unable to reply properly.
    >>> I'm using Cayenne (2.0.2) with the apache web server (5.5.20) and
    >>> I'm
    >>> facing to the following problem.
    >>> When apache does an automatic deploy, all objects are serialized /
    >>> deserialized without any error.
    >>> But after that, when the code accesses a cayenne persistent object
    >>> (member variable of a jsf backing bean), the following problem
    >>> occurs:
    >>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContextQueryAction.interceptPaginatedQ

    >>> u
    >>> e
    >>> ry
    >>> (
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContextQueryAction.execute
    >>> (DataContextQuer
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.onQuery(
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.performQuery(
    >>> 1376
    >>> )
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.access.ToManyList.resolvedObjectList
    >>> (
    >>> 307)
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.access.ToManyList.size(
    >>> at
    >>> (GroupEditor.j
    >>> ava:246)
    >>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
    >>> Method)
    >>> at
    >>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
    >>> (NativeMethodAccessorImpl.jav
    >>> a:39)
    >>> at
    >>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
    >>> (DelegatingMethodAccessor
    >>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.myfaces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke
    >>> (
    >>> 2)
    >>> For information, the following code throws that exception (the
    >>> call to
    >>> the size() method) :
    >>> List itemsToRemove = m_editableGroup.getGroupContentArray();
    >>> for (int i=0; i < itemsToRemove.size(); i)
    >>> ...
    >>> Note: Child data context and ObjectEntities are stored in a
    >>> serializable
    >>> jsf backing bean.
    >>> Thank you for your help.
    >>> Marc Gabriel

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