
From: jerome moliere (jerome.molier..mail.com)
Date: Mon Apr 16 2007 - 07:50:12 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Querymetadata"

    Hi all,
    playing around with cayenne, I'd like to set fetching limits and page sizes
    for my queries,
    this seems to be done through QueryMetadata , but this interface does not
    provide any setter ..
    So I'd like to know the proper way for forging its own metadata to be passed
    to the Query to be run...
    I've seen a BaseMutableQueryMetadata class, but I guess I should not be
    obliged to make some uggly donwcasts, isn't it ?

    Is there a way to hook in the Cayenne queries generation mechanism to
    configure the QueryMetaData to be used with my own settings ?
    Did'nt see this, but I may be blind -)
    Thanks for your help

    Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
    auteur Eyrolles

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