Re: AW: AW: postgres, idle in transaction

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2007 - 07:47:13 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: user-defined transactions"

    On Apr 26, 2007, at 1:14 PM, Oilid Adsi wrote:

    > Or maybe by adding an explicit "COMMIT" after every SELECT-
    > Statement when the connection will be returned to the pool? Can
    > this implemented as an optional function to the Cayenne framework?

    Per your comment the patch doing "rollback" didn't help, why do you
    think "commit" should help? Commit and rollback both terminate a

    But if you want to explore various scenarios, Cayenne allows you to
    plug a custom implementation of DataSource via the DataSourceFactory
    mechanism. So you don't need to patch Cayenne, but instead you can
    write a custom DataSource (based on Cayenne or DBCP library, or do it
    from scratch) to do any pre- or post- processing of connections
    checked in or out of the pool.

    If you get to the cause of it, please share. Unfortunately I am out
    of ideas regarding this issue.


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