Re: [OT] Sun Announced JavaFX scripting language

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Wed May 09 2007 - 07:53:15 EDT

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: [OT] Sun Announced JavaFX scripting language"

    On 09/05/2007, at 9:23 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Every new client technology claims to be AJAX killer. This one does
    > too. I still want to play with their tutorials, but I wonder if
    > that's a good match to Cayenne ROP technology?
    > Andrus

    I found this article which gives us a bit more useful information:

    I'd say this is certainly one to watch. The real question will be how
    easy it is to port things like Hessian into JavaFX and then Cayenne
    ROP itself. If this runs inside of EMCAScript then I'd say that might
    be hard. But if it runs inside the JVM, then perhaps the full Java
    environment is available...

    And then of course: the question is why any designer would move to
    this from Flash.


    Aristedes Maniatis
    phone +61 2 9660 9700
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